Project of Malhemele and Guava Dispensing Centers Home|Projects|Project of Malhemele and Guava Dispensing Centers FIPAG is expanding the water supply system to the city of Maputo, which also includes the water supply to localities and neighborhoods that are along the pipeline that comes from the Corumana Dam. In the hydraulic component, CONSULTEC is responsible for reviewing the study of water demand, considering the horizons of 2030 and 2040, simulated the distribution networks from the CDs, calculated the pipelines within the CD and the capabilities of the pumps. Recommendations were made based on elaborated calculations to change what was foreseen in terms of the number of semi-buried reservoirs, pumps, and hydraulic circuits. In the electrical component, CONSULTEC reviewed the electrical boards and advised on changes to be made to follow the regulations in force. In the structure component, the reinforced concrete for the reservoirs and pumping buildings was calculated, the foundations of the tower were verified, and the structural capacity of the pumping building was confirmed in the face of the pump operating winch. 1/1 INFORMATION Activity Water Location Maputo Province Year 03/2021 Client China Geo Associated companies N/A State In Progress TEAM Project Director Carlos Caupers Project Coordinator Isabel Vaz Structural Engineer Jorge Silva PROJECT SHEET Download PDF Projects