System of Control, Audit And Risk Management of SSAQ and Legal of Contractors – MOZAL Aluminum Smelter Home|Projects|System of Control, Audit And Risk Management of SSAQ and Legal of Contractors - MOZAL Aluminum Smelter The project consists on the development of a control and audit platform for contractors regarding the degree of compliance with the applicable legal and HSEQ requirements, as well as the development of a system for evaluating operational and critical risks of contractors and training of their representatives. in the risk management system aligned to South 32. The reports and activities under the project were the following: Establishment of the gap analysis of contractors; Development of the control and legal audit system and SSAQ of contractors; Development of the reporting system for MOZAL; Development and training on the risk management system of contractors; Audit of the SSAQ and legal management systems implemented by the contractors; Performance reporting system for each contractor. 1/1 INFORMATION Activity HSEQ Location Maputo City Province Year 07/2018 Client MOZAL Aluminium Associated companies N/A State Completed TEAM Senior Consultant Ana Lobo Site Engineer Yara Mucambe PROJECT SHEET Download PDF Projects