Buildings and ElectricityHome|Activities|Buildings and ElectricityReference projectsThe Buildings and Electricity department is formed by a specializes Team that includes civil and electronic engineers, and architects, besides middle level technicians with a lot of experience in supervision activities.This department develops services meeting the needs of our customers in the areas of Study, Project and Supervision, these being performed under the highest standards of technical rigor, economic efficiency and professional deontology. In an independent way or through consortia, we worked for different Clients in the public and private sector, besides multilateral and bilateral cooperation organizations. The experience we accumulated during three decades of work includes the provision of services in the areas of Health, Education, Transportation, Sport, Real Estate, Mineral Resources, Renewable Energies, among others.Buildings and Electricity Department ManagerOrlando MavieSERVICES PROVIDEDBuildings Viability studies Base programs Preliminary and executive projects Preparation of tender documents and bid evaluation Construction supervision Audit and quality control Site management Electricity Medium and low voltage electricity distribution networks projects Projects of electrical installations for use in buildings - residential, school, hospital, industrial and the tertiary sector Indoor communication and security installations Projects of electric drive and automation systems Projects using renewable energies Energetic studies Supervision of electrification works These activities include Topography Soil studies Economic viability studies Architectural projects Structures calculations Electrical installation, cooling network, communications and security projects Collaboration with the Water and Environment Areas in the projects for water supply, sewage and storm drainage networks and in the respective environmental and social impact study Reference projectsOTHER ACTIVITIESWATERENVIRONMENTROADSHSEQCONTACTSContact us I have read and accept the Privacy Policy