WaterHome|Activities|WaterReference projectsThe Water department is one of the specialized technical sectors of CONSULTEC. With a 30 year experience, our Team performs activities in the areas of Studies, Projects and Supervisions, following the highest standards technical rigor, economic efficiency and professional deontology.Currently, this sector has 12 workers, nine of whom have a higher education level in the field of Civil Engineering, and three are mid-level technicians with extensive experience in the Supervision area. The experience accumulated during the last three decades is based in large, medium and small-scale projects developed in the rural and urban context in different parts of the country.Water Department ManagerCarlos CaupersSERVICES PROVIDEDWater Resources Hydrological studies Hydraulic studies Water resources assessment River basin plans Policy and strategy formulation Flood and drought studies Study and projects of dams Design and Supervision of Irrigation and Protection Dikes Major irrigation rehabilitation projects in various points of the country Supervision of irrigation works Project and supervision of flood protection dikes Water Supply and Sanitation Studies and projects on water supply in cities and towns Studies and projects on drainage of rainwater and wastewater Sizing of pumping and wastewater treatment stations Project for works to control rainfall induced erosion Institutional studies for the management of water supply systems Other Services in Collaboration with Other Sectors Hydrological and hydraulic studies for roads and bridges Projects developed in collaboration with the company's Buildings and Environment sections: Reinforced concrete infrastructure or metallic structures projects for water reservoirs, catchment wells, buildings for water catchment and treatment plants and buildings to serve the systems Electricity project for powering systems Environmental and social impact studies Reference projectsOTHER ACTIVITIESENVIRONMENTBUILDINGS ANDELECTRICITYROADSHSEQCONTACTSContact us I have read and accept the Privacy Policy