HSEQHome|Activities|HSEQReference projectsProtecting people and the environment, treating Partners fairly, and focusing on the needs of customers are the foundations of CONSULTEC’s Core operating philosophy and duty of care. Therefore, the company strives to continuously improve the HSEQ performance of its departments, Clients and Collaborators, whilst ensuring utmost compliance with all applicable laws, regulations and commitments.With this proactive approach, CONSULTEC formed a Health, Safety and Risk Management department led by a Team with over a decade of experience in the administration of Occupational Health, Safety, Environment, Quality (HSEQ) and Risk Management, including the development and implementation of proven Training & Awareness and Audit Programs. This Team accounts with a vast experience in the management of HSEQ aspects and impacts within the manufacturing industry, including cement and aluminum plants, the mining industry, the oil and gas industry, construction and demolition as well as road, rail and maritime transport. Whilst upholding CONSULTEC´s operational philosophy and embracing its HSEQ Policy commitments, CONSULTEC´s HSEQ professionals continue to deliver high-quality tailored solutions to its Clients, promoting continuous improvement and a contagious devotion in the sustainable management of Occupational Health, Safety and Risk Management. This Team is also responsible for the in-house management of CONSULTEC´s Health, Safety and Risk Management System, providing prime support to other departments to enable the accomplishment of zero harm goals and H&S compliance within the company and in all its projects, boosting a safety culture and promoting multi-disciplinary awareness.HSEQ Department ManagerAna LoboSERVICES PROVIDEDRisk Management Risk management solutions (task-based, organizational, catastrophic, fatal risk) Change management systems Event and incident management systems Catastrophic / intolerable risk management protocols Business continuity planning Crisis and emergency management Emergency response risk analysis Emergency management plans HSEQ Management Systems HSEQ management plans Integrated management plans ISO 14001:2015, ISO 9001:2015, ISO 45001:2016 and oshas Occupational health management programs Occupational health agent’s identification and exposure managemento Quantitative and qualitative health assessments Occupational health monitoring Occupational health management plans Safety Management Programs Safety aspects and impacts identification and management Quantitative and qualitative risk evaluations Continuous improvement plans and performance management Tailored Behaviour Based Safety (BBS) programs Traffic and interactions management Contractor safety management Permit to work and isolations, working at heights, lifting, ergonomics, manual handling management Assurance and Compliance Internal HSEQ audits Legal and governance compliance audits International standards audits Certificate preparation for ISO 14001:2015, ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018 Reports and improvement plans Reporting and Statistical Analysis HSEQ performance and statistical analysis Value-driver modelling HSEQ reports (annual, six-monthly, quarterly, monthly) Visual manufacturing Various trend analysis reports Training and Awareness HSEQ inductions and online training platforms (E-lms) HSEQ training and awareness programs (E-learning) HIV/AIDS, malaria, fatigue management, heat exposure, fitness for work, handling & storage of hazardous substances Event management and incident investigation Risk management Legal responsibility, audition and lean safety Safety culture Work instructions and procedures Defensive driving and road safety Safety Leadership Safety culture surveys / workforce surveys Safety leadership excellence HSEQ supervision and project management (Six Sigma and lean manufacturing) Reference projectsOTHER ACTIVITIESWATERENVIRONMENTBUILDINGS ANDELECTRICITYROADSCONTACTSContact us I have read and accept the Privacy Policy