Baseline Study and Monitoring of Socioeconomic Indicators of Income Generation Projects Home|Projects|Baseline Study and Monitoring of Socioeconomic Indicators of Income Generation Projects Considering investments made in the social area, Vale intends to evaluate the changes in the lives of the program beneficiaries over the years, through the monitoring of socioeconomic indicators. Based on the results obtained, the strengths and weaknesses and limitations of the programs have been identified, and recommendations made for its improvement. In this context, the purpose of this service provision is to prepare a Socioeconomic Baseline Study and Monitoring Socioeconomic Indicators of Income Generation Programs implemented in Moatize District, Tete Province. The main goals were as follows: To elaborate the socioeconomic profile of families resettled in 25 de Setembro and Cateme neighborhoods; Conduct socio-economic baseline studies of income generation programs, based on the year 2012; Establish the socioeconomic indicators to be monitored, in order to know the possible impacts on the beneficiaries and to assess the impact of Vale’s social investments; Develop and implement a monitoring program and evaluation system; Develop and implement a training program for Vale employees to manage the defined monitoring and evaluation system; Geo-referencing of programs in an individualized way to produce thematic maps of the location of the programs and their beneficiaries. 1/2 INFORMATION Activity Environment Location Tete Province Year 07/2018 Client Vale Moçambique Associated companies N/A State Completed TEAM Project Director Tiago Dray Coordinator Rafael Noronha GIS Specialist Julieta Jetimane PROJECT SHEET Download PDF Projects