Preparation of the Occupational Health Guide for Mines – MISAU, MITESS, and MIREME paulo.cruz 15 de March, 2024HSEQ
System of Control, Audit And Risk Management of SSAQ and Legal of Contractors – MOZAL Aluminum Smelter paulo.cruz 15 de March, 2024HSEQ
Management and Supervision Plan for Occupational Health, Safety at Work, Risk Assessment and Emergency Management, Audit Plan and ITPs for the Irish Embassy Project paulo.cruz 15 de March, 2024HSEQ
Compliance Assessment Audit with International Standards for Emergency Management and Fire Protection paulo.cruz 15 de March, 2024HSEQ
Implementation of Compliance Audit Plans with National and International Legal Requirements and Best Practices for Occupational Health and Safety Management at Work paulo.cruz 15 de March, 2024HSEQ
Process for Assessing the Effectiveness of Implementing Risk Control Measures and Contingency Measures for Risk Reduction to ALARP paulo.cruz 15 de March, 2024HSEQ
Assessment of Catastrophic Risks and Development of Contingency Plans for Continuity of Operations paulo.cruz 15 de March, 2024HSEQ
Catastrophic Risk Assessment and Development of Contingency and Audit Plans for the Continuity of Distribution Network Operations paulo.cruz 15 de March, 2024HSEQ
Verification of Risk Assessment and Emergency Response Plan for the Railway Operation in Nacala Logistic Corridor paulo.cruz 15 de March, 2024HSEQ