Mozambique – Zimbabwe Power Transmission Line Project (MOZI) Rita Lobo 2 de December, 2024Environment
Environmental Impact Assessment for Matola Coal Terminal Phase 4 Development ProjectoPMENT PROJECT paulo.cruz 15 de March, 2024Environment
Environmental Impact Assessment for 2D and 3D Offshore Seismic Survey Project Along Mozambique Coast COAST paulo.cruz 15 de March, 2024Environment
Environmental Study of the Rovuma Basin Area 4 Floating Liquified NaturalL Gas (FLNG) Project paulo.cruz 15 de March, 2024Environment
Preparation and Implementation of the Resettlement Action Plan for the Project of Strengthening and Extension of the National Energy Transmission Network paulo.cruz 15 de March, 2024Environment
Elaboration of Resettlement Action Plan of the Mozambican Integrated Transmission Backbone System paulo.cruz 15 de March, 2024Environment
Verification of Socio-economic Data and the Assets of the Families Affected by Anadarko Mozambique Project Area 1 paulo.cruz 15 de March, 2024Environment
Baseline Study and Monitoring of Socioeconomic Indicators of Income Generation Projects paulo.cruz 15 de March, 2024Environment